Pill Up - Modern Pharmacy - Presorted Medications

Importance of Medication adherence and how to improve it?

Improve Medication Adherence

Have you ever forgotten to take your medication? Or maybe you skipped a few doses because you didn’t think it was that important? Well, you’re not alone. Non-adherence to medication is a significant issue in the healthcare industry, and it can have severe consequences for patients. It’s estimated that up to 50% of medications for […]

How to cope with emotional stress?

cope with stress

Emotional stress is the pesky little bug that buzzes around in your head and makes you feel like you’re about to explode. It’s that feeling of overwhelm that can leave you feeling helpless, anxious, and downright grumpy. But don’t worry, because coping with emotional stress is like having a secret weapon in your back pocket. […]

The Sweet Life: Pre-Diabetes and Healthy Eating

Pre-Diabetes and Healthy Eating

Are you feeling a little too sweet lately? No, not in an adorable way, but in the high blood sugar kind of way? Well, you might be one of the many Indians suffering from pre-diabetes. Don’t worry, though! Pre-diabetes can be managed and even reversed with a little bit of effort, and healthy eating is […]

What are the symptoms of neurodegenerative disease?

symptoms of neurodegenerative disease?

You know those moments when you walk into a room and completely forget why you’re there? Imagine that but on a whole new level. Neurodegenerative diseases are like unwelcome house guest that slowly makes themselves at home in your brain, causing a range of symptoms that can impact your daily life. But don’t worry, it’s […]